Character Design
Occasionally I am called upon to do some character design work. Even for my own projects, I've always done extensive character designs prior to beginning the work.
Jaruu Character Design Art
I was commissioned by writer Jim Main to create some basic character sheets for his fantasy warrior woman character Jaruu.

At Galaxy's Core Character Design Style Sheets
These were my preliminary character design sketches for the primary characters in my science fiction comic strip At Galaxy's Core.

Arnza Key Color Art
Key color selections for Arnza and Dexios, the two main characters from full color my comic strip Arnza.

Character Design Sheets for Commodore Dinosaur
These character design sheets were created prior to the execution of the Commodore Dinosaur origin story The Quest of Quetzalcoatl. This 24-page story was published as the 1st issue of Commodore Dinosaur by Blue Moon Comics Group. It is available as either in print or digitally from DriveThru Comics, Indy Planet and Global Comix.